
Last Day of Preschool!!

So sad; Friday the 6th was Carter's last day of preschool and I think that I was more sad than he was. This now means that he is home everyday for the next 3 months!!! What am I going to do?! Carter really loves school and did so well. He is now reading and writing. I loved Challenger! Their program was awesome for Carter and I loved his too teachers.

All Carter is focused on now is that it is summer and he knows that his birthday is in the summer, so he thinks that his birthday should be today, even though his birthday is still 2 months away.

He now can't wait for kindergarten!

Carter on his 1st day of school in August '07.


Williamson Fam said...

I know what you can do for the next 3 months, come visit me, yep every day for 3 months...