
But, 4 is my favorite number!

Right before Thanksgiving we thought it was time to tell the boys that I was pregnant and that they were going to have a baby brother or sister. We told them and explained a few things and all was well, but the conversation quickly turned into something I was not prepared for. Carter was pissed off! He told me that he did not want 5 people in the family and I asked him why and he said that 4 was his favorite number, not five! He told me that he did not want my belly to get big, which I replied with, neither do I! He said that he did not want another brother! He kept asking why we made this decision, and that he wanted to make these decisions. I told him that some decisions are made by mom and dad and not kids, but he still did not like that answer. He was crying and really upset at Joe and I. I told him that he needed to go to bed and that we would discuss this later. I went back into his room a few minutes later and found him sitting on the edge of the bed with his arms folded, pouting! I asked him if he was alright and he said, "I only want 4 people!" I shut the door, half laughing and half sad. Aidan, on the other hand was all happy for a baby. He said that he will hold it.

Carter is all good now! He has never mentioned being upset about the whole thing. He is now excited especially because it is a baby sister and not a baby brother. He told me yesterday that, "he makes babies happy sometimes." Which I thought was funny and true to his self centered style.

Really, how can you argue with wanting 4, not 5???


Rhonda said...

Out of the mouths of babes! Haley told me she was only having two kids because she was going to be a rock star and she didn't want the babysitter running out of the house screaming!

Williamson Fam said...

That's really funny! Its so cute that he had such a strong feelings about it..

Paige said...

I love this story....

Stephanie said...

Yeahhh for girls!! Congradulations, Erin! I am so excited for you. I saw your Mom the other day and told her that I want you to come out for John's other reception so we can go girl shopping together. I think I'm going to start making cute hair bows- don't you think they need one to match each outfit?
Anyway, I love you and Congrats again.