
It's the big 03!

Happy 3rd Birthday Aidan!
To my Aiders,
You crack me up all the time.  You do the silliest stuff.  You can be so sweet and then so infuriating!  You defiantly have a mind of your own and want things done a certain way.  You are always up to go anywhere and do anything, you just want to have fun.  You want to be like your big brother and want to play with him all the time even if he doesn't want to play with you because you beat him up and always start a fight with him.  You love to rock your p.j.'s or basketball shorts under all of your clothes all the time.  You love your Kung Fu Panda and sleep on him every night.  You also love saying potty words whenever possible and you think it is hilarious!  
In spite of all of that, I am so glad that you came into our family 3 years ago.  Life definitely would not be the same without you!  I love your brute Bam Bam style and your sweet kindness at the same time.  There isn't a day that goes by that you don't make me laugh!  You are the cutest, funniest little kid that I know.  I love you to pieces!!  
I hope you have a great birthday Aider Bug!
Love, Mom 


Rhonda said...

What a great mom you are Erin. Happy Birthday to Aiden!

Williamson Fam said...

Ahh Happy Birthday Aiden, he is such a cutie pie, and i kinda cried during this post, it was so sweet i loved it...Lets play!

The Ball Family said...

Aww..that was such a sweet post! Happy Birthday Aiden!

Burnside Family said...

Happy Birthday! We love you Aiden. You are the best!

johnandcourtney said...

Happy Birthday Aiders! We love you. you crack us up too!

Paige said...

I can't believe Aiden is 3! Time flies when you are beating people up.